
A car pulled over by police, with a drug DUI suspect undergoing a field sobriety test on the side of the road in Arizona

Can a DUI be Defended in Arizona? Legal Options and Defense Strategies

Being arrested for a DUI in Arizona can feel overwhelming, but it's important to know that you have options. Many people assume that a DUI charge automatically leads to a conviction, but this isn't always the case.

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A car pulled over by police, with a drug DUI suspect undergoing a field sobriety test on the side of the road in Arizona

What is the penalty for a drug DUI in Arizona? Consequences and Legal Ramifications

Drug DUIs in Arizona carry serious consequences. These cases involve driving under the influence of any drug that impairs your ability to operate a vehicle safely. This includes illegal substances, prescription medications, and even some over-the-counter drugs.

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buying a gun in arizona

Can a DUI Stop Me From Buying a Gun in Arizona?

Not every DUI charge is equal. Various DUI charges will not affect you from buying a gun, whereas others will prevent you from obtaining a firearm. Many people wonder that if they have a DUI charge on their record if they can legally buy a gun in Arizona.

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drunk driving

What Happens to Repeat DUI Offenders In Arizona?

Arizona is ranked second in the United States for DUI prevention. Its strict, no-nonsense policies are part of a stringent, proactive approach to prevent drunk driving before it happens; after all, nearly 30% of fatal vehicular accidents in Arizona are due to driving under the influence of alcohol or some other intoxicating substance.

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dui and car insurance

DUI Convictions and the Cost of Car Insurance in Arizona

Received a DUI and wondering how it might affect your insurance? The truth of the matter is that the cost of car insurance can vary significantly after a driver receives a DUI. Cost can be affected by everything from your region to the nature and circumstances of your DUI.

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dui with injury

DUI with Injury in Arizona: Everything You Need to Know

Unfortunately, Arizona has a high incidence of drunk driving. Between 2003 and 2012, 2,912 people were killed in crashes in Arizona where at least one driver was alcohol-impaired, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Arizona’s rate of fatalities from drunk driving is higher than the national average, although fewer drivers in Arizona report driving after they have drunk too much than compared to the rest of the country.

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dui emergency

What Is a Super Extreme DUI in Arizona?

The state of Arizona categorizes driving under the influence (DUI) charges using four main classes: basic, extreme, super extreme, and aggravated. A driver can be charged with a basic DUI if their blood alcohol level measures between .08 and .14 percent, while an Extreme DUI indicates a blood alcohol level that measures .

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dui cant afford it

Prescription Pills and Aggravated DUIs in Arizona

In the state of Arizona, Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charges can be categorized in several ways, including Basic DUI, Extreme DUI, and Aggravated DUI. “Driving under the influence” accounts for any kind of intoxicated driving, whether from alcohol, drugs, or a combination.

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dui checkpoint in arizona

Extreme DUI charges in Arizona

Extreme DUI charges in Arizona can lead to major consequences for the driver. Over 1 million people were arrested for driving a motor vehicle under the influence (DUI) in 2019, according to FBI statistics.

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underage drinking

What are the Penalties for Underage Drinking Offenses in Scottsdale, Arizona?

Everyone knows the legal drinking age is 21 —but not everyone follows it. Whether you’re the parent of someone underage, or a teen trying to hack the system, Arizona is not the place to experiment with alcohol.

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Frequently Asked Questions About DUI Cases.

Frequently Asked Questions About DUI Cases.

Driving under the influence, commonly known as “DUI”, is a criminal offense that involves driving, operating, or being in control of a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the level of intoxication prevents the driver from operating the vehicle safely.

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Restoration of Rights

Aggravated DUI In Arizona

According to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, on average two in three people will be involved in a drunk driving crash in their lifetime. Because of this, Arizona is known to have extremely strict and dynamic DUI laws. A DUI in Arizona can either be classified as misdemeanor or a felony.

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